Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Adventure Called Life Day 226...where the lines overlap...

this is my last official full day on campus. I move out tomorrow afternoon. The only things left are my Chemistry Exam, packing and finalizing the choral library. 

this means its my last night on campus :( Im excited to go home, unpack and SLEEP.

I am forcing myself to go grab lunch, and review for about 40 mins before my final at 1pm. Then my parents are coming to pick up the sectional. I hope to give a lot of stuff to my parents to take home and pile in my room until I get there tomorrow. I'll spend the evening reorganizing and putting everything in its place before we go racing on saturday! oh! I'm excited for that...

anyway, I pray all of you SAU students are experiencing a peaceful finals week, at least as peaceful as finals week can be! I have had a wonderful time here at the arbor this past year, and I'm excited to be reporting, once again from the road this summer. I'll post before I leave tomorrow to officially sign off from the campus of SAU for the semester! the Lord be with you!


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