Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Adventure Called Life Day know the gospel...

i desire to truly know the Gospel. I mean really know it. I know how it has changed my life, I know how you can be saved by it and live by it, but I'm not sure exactly how to go about reaching people with it in a practical manner. Telling someone "you need Jesus." is kind of not good enough in my opinion. I want to be able to express the story and overwhelming hope of the Gospel to people I meet everyday. I desire to be full of Christ, living as he would have me live, living for his glory and working to bring his kingdom to earth.

so I want to propose to Zachariah we begin studying the gospel together. I think it would be cool to re-discover Jesus together. How neat? what a blessing! we can discover who Jesus was and is among his disciples, and by doing that, we can grow together as followers of Christ! so. cool.

alright, its just too beautiful outside. I have yet to make it out there to just sit and study, but it WILL happen. I have to re-make my bed with fresh sheets, organize my desk, switch my laundry over to the dryer and hang up my clothes to dry, THEN i will be outside for a while. If you need me, just come and find me outside my house. my phone is dead. sad. day.


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